Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Tim Owens' Travelers Tavern From 'Bar Rescue' To Close

Tim Owens' Travelers Tavern in Akron Ohio, which was featured on Bar Rescue in November 2015 has announced it will close.  They posted the following message on their Facebook page last night:
"It comes with a heavy heart and a huge amount of considering many options, but Tim and I have decided to close our venue. Words can not express the gratitude we have for everyone who came out and supported the restaurant and the local music scene. A lot of work went into making this place great, lots of blood sweat and tears (literally) to bring Akron a place it could be proud of. I believe we were successful at that , but at this time Tim and I are being pulled away from that focus to concentrate on our main jobs. Tim is touring more and more and I am needed at my landscape company. Both of these are very positive for Tim and I but creates a negative for the bar/restaurant. We have both agreed to sell to another person who will be more focused on creating a cool restaurant and possibly keeping the stage rocking a couple times a month. I personally will be contacting any acts we have booked to help find other venues for them to perform. Tim and I are very sorry for the inconvenience and hope everyone is understanding. Our last day for food will be September 2nd (huge party) , our last live music show will be September 3rd . LETS BLOW IT OUT!"

So it seems like the reason for closing had more to do with owners Tim and Micah focusing on their other ventures and not having time for the bar.  That message has been shared over 500 times and has over 200 comments of people saying they are sad to see the bar close.

Owner Tim also chimed in and said,
"Yes, all good things must come to an end!!! We hate to do this but like Micah said our main careers have just gotten way to busy ( Which is a good thing ) and that just makes it too hard on us and the business!! The Business was good, the staff was amazing, the bands rocked and the location couldn't of been better, So stop saying it wasn't and read our posts...Lets hope whoever buys it keeps, keeps the music, the great food and they have the time to put into it!!
( Even as I type this I am sitting in Seattle airport for business )
I thank you all for all the support!!
Tim Ripper Owens"

Someone asked owner Micah if it had anything to do with Bar Rescue, and he responded, "Bar rescue helped in its own way , I am able to step away and not be bankrupt , this is our choice."

This will be the 5th bar from Season 4 (4th set) of Bar Rescue to close and the Bar Rescue Updates page will be updated when the bar closes in September.