Bar Rescue came to Gipsy to rescue the bar in February of 2013, and when Paul saw the changes Bar Rescue made, he decided to shut the bar down because he hated them so much.
In May 2013, the SBLV Lounge posted on their website:
As many of you know in February of 2013, the staff and management of the iconic Gipsy filmed an episode of Spike TV’s Bar Rescue. After the renovation from the show, we felt that it still needed more. We are so excited to share the all new Gipsy coming soon! Stay tuned as we will be posting the progress of the project on our website.There haven't been many updates since Paul shut the place down, but recently Las Vegas Weekly reported that he plans to reopen the bar as a Dayclub/Ultralounge. All of the changes from the Bar Rescue makeover have been removed and the place has been gutted. He plans to reopen sometime in the summer, but who knows if that will actually happen.
Also, Paul claims that he went along with a exaggerated narrative on the show and that he "gave them enough rope to hang me with."
A $2 million investment? With that kind of angel investor in the wings, it seems that it would have made sense to either skip Bar Rescue or to find a way to stay open after the show's publicity boost.
ReplyDeletePerhaps the bar / restaurant reality show business needs a " This Old House" type of production, a much more in-depth overhaul show where much of the cost is borne by the owner, who benefits from vendor and supplier freebies and contractors throwing in extras to show off their skills.
This episode discussed me. The own wasted Jon:s time the shows time and basically my time, The efforts could have went to a deserving bar that needed help.Its sad for the staff that they work for basically a pigheaded, self centered person that wouldn't even try with the changes and would rather shut doors and let he's staff go without a paycheck ,then trying it a month or two to get out of début..... idiot... whoever is helping this man financially needs to get his head checked. Your in debut and very well should stay that way. If you were starving and god gave you a cherry ,your the type that instead of being thankful for that cherry would ask him for a fruit bowl and if he didn't get it would rather starve.
ReplyDeletethat redone bar SBLV was gorgeous! the first one from bar rescue during the reveal i thought 'i have to see that place in person' so disappointed the owner loathed it - think of all the Janet Jackson he could've played there!
ReplyDeleteToo bad Bar Rescue didn't show the aas ing that they put over the bar. That was offensive to the community. It said "GAY OLE TIME". And why would they get rid of the dance floor? Guess because this was a flop, Bar Rescue has not done another gay bar or club
ReplyDeleteI just watched the episode. What a waste for Jon and his crew. The owner Paul is an ungrateful ass. $2 million in debt and guts all the changes. If he did not like the changes shut up and appreciate the effort and pay your staff and creditors and then make the changes.
ReplyDeleteI watched the show too. Sometimes in order to success in business changes have to be done, one good example IBM. IBM is not longer a computer company. Another example is Kodak; no change ends up with no longer in business. If I were the owner, I would have stayed in the business. If the Bar makes money, then it can pay off debts. Then, save some money and find another location to reopen the Gipsy again. Paul, you have to stop drinking and clear your stupid mind!
ReplyDeleteThe one bartender was hot as HELL!!!!
ReplyDeleteSo it's offensive to call gay people gay? Isn't it the new thing to be all proud and open about your gayness? Seems to me that if you don't we to be called gay, then don't be gay. I don't get all pissy when someone calls me straight, or white, or irish, etc....
ReplyDeleteReally? Quick question are you still in elementary school? You spelt disgust "discussed" discussed is having a conversation. And debut is not the same as debt, debt is when you owe people money, debut is when something comes out for thw first time. Wow- i really hope you are under 15 years old.
ReplyDeleteGood they should not have done this first one, they should all be shut down. By having this on tv people will think its ok to live that way and it is most certainly not
ReplyDeleteAnother unintelligent post, both companies you named are still very much in business, you should do your reasearch before saying things you know nothing about
ReplyDeleteHopefully if the bartender you are talking about is male then you are female or vice versa
ReplyDeleteDoug, before you start chastising someone's command of the English language and your perception of proper grammar perhaps you should check yourself. "Spelt"..... really?
ReplyDeleteYou're an idiot, Phil. "Spelt" is the past participle of "spell". Look it up before you run your uneducated mouth.
ReplyDeleteLeave it to you Randy to come to the defense of a racist piece of garbage like Doug. And for the record, in America "spelt" is used in spoken form while "spelled" is the accepted written form. Last I checked this is a written conversation. Educate yourself ass-wipe.
ReplyDeleteYou should do research because Kodak filed chapter 11 and IBM is no longer selling PC but IBM mainly doing Business consulting. If you are smart, you must invest your money in Kodak. You are the greatest invention of your parents, "Smart Ass".
ReplyDeleteI have to agree that in the sentence that was written the correct form should have been "spelled". At least in the context of the way you formed the sentence.
ReplyDeleteAnd who the hell are you to judge? And secondly, why do you care?!
ReplyDeleteAnd by posting your rude judgements here...people might think that it's ok to live like a self-righteous, judgemental a-hole, like you! THAT'S what is "most certainly not" ok!
ReplyDeleteI don't think anything offensive is meant by it. When I see that, I think of the Flintstones theme, "When you're with the Flintstones, you'll have a yabba-dabba-doo time, you'll have a gay old time!" Gay used to mean "happy", so in this case, it means have a great time.
ReplyDeleteWhat bothers me is that the employees and managers were loving it, thought it looked great, but Paul hated it. It's annoying when people can't let go of the past and look to the future.
ReplyDeleteGonna put us in camps bro? So we have to live the way you want? Hunh, what does that remind me of?
ReplyDeleteIts a Double Entendre. haha
ReplyDeleteYou don't understand the english laguage,do you? It's a play on words you dolt. It's called a double entendre, and luckily, most people understand that. Except for the asshole named doug, and you.
ReplyDeleteDoug , you seem to be a real asshole.
ReplyDeleteYou know Doug in my experience most of the people who make such a big deal about gay people and spend so much time bashing them are usually closeted and afraid to admit they are gay. It's okay Doug you can admit you're gay. It's okay to be who you are instead of an asshole. People might just want to be your friend.
ReplyDeleteBahaha. Isn't it funny that a guy like John T whom oozes masculinity had no problem working along side gay men, but a twerp like Doug does? I think your right in your assessment of Doug! But really, this episode upset me, he was so ungrateful!
ReplyDeleteSpelt is a word but is used wrong in your sentence. Your use of the word should have been spelled. Read over your sentence and you will see that your past tense use is wrong.
ReplyDeleteSaid the guy who can't spell THE!
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty pathetic that your only comeback was nitpicking the usage of the word "spelt" as opposed to "spelled". How exactly does that make Doug a racist? Are you even aware what a racist is? Proofread your shit before you post, you look like a completely uneducated moron.
ReplyDeleteSounds like Doug has some repressed sexual feelings toward his own gender.
ReplyDeleteApparently to be called racist is the worst insult you can make to someone these days. I used the term "racist" as it carries a much harder tone than "homophobic bigot". If you don't get why Doug is a homophobic bigot than you are a much bigger dolt than you purport me to be. Or did you not read his comment? But now I suppose you are going to come to Doug's aid and champion the cause that all gays should be shipped off to an island someplace away from "normal" heterosexual society where they can be safe-guarded from our children.
ReplyDeleteHahahaha it's SPELLED. Spelt isn't even a word. Omg. I'm dying laughing.
ReplyDeleteThis is a complete speculation.. but it almost seemed like the owner was on some kind of drugs or something like cocaine? He seemed really manic. Having worked in bars before believe it or not but I've had a manager who we knew was doing it before work, the way he acted reminded me so much of that. What do you guys think?
ReplyDeleteIt is a Gay Bar Doug.....
ReplyDeleteThis show showed part of the problem w/ people who are "openly Gay" that act a certain way. I often say "Being Gay don't make it OK", which covers a large spectrum. You see a lot of verbal or physical abuse towards women which they seem to justify or think is alright. I remember that show on E w/ the former GF/Playmate of sorts who had the lithe female friend w/ a kid. Her "gay BFF" went on some insane tangent yelling at her in a way that would have provoked a beating years ago. Men used to protect women, but instead they have turned on them. They want to hang out w/ guys who dress like girls thinking they are safe from penetration. Always looking for something better or the next best thing. I don't know if the makeover was great, yet should still have tried to see how it worked out. Maybe they can have a Logo show where they try to save "gay bars" though I don't expect much. I remember in the episode w/ the two MMA Muscle Heads they had an odd sign in the background. Something like "Mount Gay Pat" which had me wonder if they rolled around the mat together if catch my drift ;). I've worked w/ "lesbians/gays", the gay males tend to have a dramatic awful work ethic. They don't really seem to want to work or do it well, though never short of words of complaint ;). One show he wouldn't ride in the limo alone w/ other people to go 2 blocks to the expo. He made the boss go w/ him, who then left his phone in it, I had to call their dispatch to obtain it :). Lucky for him I went to HS w/ somebody rather high in the company so they found it intact ;). Seen almost every episode, this guy was probably one of the worst owners though.
ReplyDeleteIn my experience whenever people criticize homosexuality online its defenders usually accuse them of being secretly homosexual themselves in the hopes that it will shut them up.(But "Stop doing that" does not mean "I hate you"...criticizing behaviors is not criticizing people).
ReplyDeleteIBM went into big computers long before they went into PCs and they are still very much in the big computer business.
ReplyDeleteBeing gay is not a behavior. Hating another human being for being who they are is bad behavior. Hatred has to be learned. We are not born to hate or discriminate. We are taught to hate by parents or adults who hate. Do you think a gay person was taught to be that way and that they can stop it because it's just a behavior? Some gay people behave badly just like some straight people but homosexuality is not a learned behavior.
ReplyDelete"Being gay" is having a conceited attitude toward one's homosexuality...engaging in sexual activity with a person of one's own sex is a misbehavior nothing,including "being gay",can excuse.
ReplyDeleteCalling a misbehavior a misbehavior is not "hatred" for those prone to that behavior,and your weakness for a misbehavior is not "who you are".
Every same-sex sex act is someone's deliberate decision,and that decision is wrong.
You spelled "spelled" ... "Spelt"
ReplyDeleteShut up asshole, we got his point..as well we have a clear picture of what kind of dipshit you are!
ReplyDeleteWhy are people on here just bashing other people?? Who cares? Aren't we supposed to be talking about the show? And not talking shit to everyone? C'mon now. People need to stop being so damn hateful, get over yourself. Like you people have never done anything wrong or spelled anything wrong. No one is perfect. Smh
ReplyDeleteNearly 2 years later and so far nothing I wander how deep in debt Paul is now? Truly a wasted opportunity he had that make over was gorgeous the only thing I didn't like was the gay ol time sign, it's too old fashioned and it sounds like a phrase from the 1920's.
ReplyDeleteyeah I'm surprised logo didn't think about that a show where they can help gayor lesbian bars
ReplyDeletewhat a loser!
ReplyDeleteSpelled and SpeltThe verb to spell most commonly means to write or name the letters that form (a word) in correct sequence.
ReplyDeleteTo spell is one of those verbs with both an irregular form and a regular form. The past tense and the past participle can be written as either spelled or spelt. However, they are not interchangeable, especially in the US.
Americans Demand SpelledIn America, spelled dominates. The use of spelt as the past tense or past participle of to spell is considered a spelling mistake by many.
Brits Prefer SpeltOutside America, spelt is more common, but spelled is generally accepted. (This is almost certainly a result of American influence spreading.)
Gay still means happy. The term "Gay" as it refers to homosexuals comes from a street name in Greenwich Village. The bar Stonewall Inn is located at Christopher Street and it faced Gay Street. That's where the word came from and Gay Street has been a street name in New York for a very long time. Stonewall is considered to be where the gay movement began. Anyway, a little useless info for you :-)
ReplyDeleteGay still means happy. The term "Gay" as it refers to homosexuals comes from a street name in Greenwich Village. The bar Stonewall Inn is located at Christopher Street and it faced Gay Street. That's where the word came from and Gay Street has been a street name in New York for a very long time. Stonewall is considered to be where the gay movement began. Anyway, a little info for you :-)
ReplyDeleteThis should be about the show and Paul. Jon can be rude and over-bearing but when his team gets done, the bar and staff are a team once again. Paul's real personality was on display when he was drunk. Good luck to the rest of the talented people who suffered through Paul's reign of terror.
ReplyDeleteFunny, my Kodak digital camera says otherwise.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of a person who has nothing intelligent to add, so they build a straw man, light it on fire and see "Look what the other guy made me do!". U mad Rico, bro?
ReplyDeleteBut wait, you guys. He spelled "spelled" like "spelt!" BWAHAHA!
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't be mildly offended if you went into a bar with a huge sign that said something like, "whitey straight party time?"
ReplyDeleteWhy would I? If I was offended I would't go there. Secondly, if you posted a sign that said "whitey straight party time" you'd have every gay and minority protesting because they were excluded.
ReplyDeleteIt's all or nothing. Either every race, sex, and sexual choice, gets to have a place for themselves or no one does. We've gotten to the point where, in order to not be discriminatory, we're discriminating on other groups.
Let him keep repressing. F**k ugly and dumb as a bag of hammers, he never had a shot at a man. Takes one of those Tealibanie Christian "women" that need 2 paper bags and a pound of Mary Kay to leave the house without scaring the neighborhood dogs to love a reject of his magnitude.
ReplyDeleteLet's just hope it hasn't bred.
I think cocaine is ONE of the substances he is jamming in that fat crazy arse of his.
ReplyDeleteI'd bet good money he's bipolar and off his meds.
Says who? Some Bible hugging freak? Who are you to say what is right or wrong? People like you seriously should be shot and eliminated from the gene pool.
ReplyDeleteI am not a religious person or a believer in the supposed divine authorship of any sacred text.It's your attitude that needs to be removed from public discourse,preferably by educating rather than shooting people.
ReplyDeleteBeen here many times before all of this. yes, it was dumpy...but remember, this was before it was "ok to be gay". It was fun and nice being to go to a bar that was welcome to all. . It was waaayy out of the way, so it did not get the tourist money. Hopefully things will change.
ReplyDeleteIf they didn't like the "Gay Ol' Time" sign they could've removed it.... Its ridiculous to close down after a few days without giving the new format a chance. And firing the employee for no reason before the re-launch?? The owner was simply an a**hole...
ReplyDeleteAre you saying he spelt spelt and not spelled?
ReplyDeleteRandy not in the USA ♥ I am an English College Professor and here is the rule """
ReplyDeleteThe past tense and the past participle can be written as either spelled or spelt. However, they are not interchangeable, especially in the US.) It is acceptable with British are you British ?
The past tense and the past participle can be written as either spelled
ReplyDeleteor spelt. However, they are not interchangeable, especially in the US.)
He toke it up the asshole too during the 3 days he was gone. Lol.
ReplyDeleteLMAO. He was jamming a huge cock up his ass during the 2 days he was gone.
ReplyDeleteThat owner was a pure faggot. He fired a guy before the reopening relaunch went in, and didnt like renovation, he left to go binge on cocaine and cock for 2 days while his employees actually probably made more money in those 2 days then they was making in a week to come back and close the place without giving it a chance. If he was aching to fire that guy he should of done it a while ago. He was probably mad that he could have him in bed. He should left the bussiness alone for atleast a month instead of doing a typical diva gay move and do shit on implase. I hope the next update is that is he jumps off a bridge in NY or shoot a country musician.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell..did you read your comment and tell yourself "yeah this makes sense"??!! You watch a few tv shows with gay men and think they all are like that? U had a bad experience with a gay man and assume they are all bad? .. Open your mind a little man. ... There's alot of "straight" that beat and hurt women.. If had alot bad experiences with "straight".. So that means I should be closed minded like somone like yourself and hate all straight men?? There are bad messed up people no matter where you are.. Gay , straight, race, male or female.. Some good , some bad. Closed minded people are the worst.
ReplyDeleteSo? His point about adapting their business model to survive and thrive still holds true. IBM used to have a focus on PCs (as well as "big computers"), but eventually decided not to compete in that market and developed a strong focus on consultation work. While they may still be in the business of "big computers" too, elements of their business have evolved and adapted over time, and they have been successful as a result. Straight is implying that the owner should have been willing to do so to. Adapting your business model to evolve with your company's strengths, marketing trends, emerging technologies, etc., is basic Business 101. Anyone unwilling to do so will ultimately fail, as the times, they are always a'changin.'
ReplyDeleteWhat a cry baby paul is!! It makes gays look bad..he could have just changed the name back after the contract was fulfilled.the fn place was nasty..john cleaned it up.it obviously was pauls selfish behavior that used the bar too whine and lash out at under pay staff.he owes the community if that place has been there that long.my mother is in bad health also but she would have wanted him to not be a baby huey what a moron why did he shut it down it could have still made money and now the staff had to find other work.I think the guy has mental illness with a nervous twitch I didnt like the name sblv ether it sounds like STD but like I said he could have changed it back unless the debt was on the gipsy name.
ReplyDeleteIBM has made computers since the 1940s (they started in 1911 as a merger between companies that made scales,time-clocks,card-punchers,and mechanical adding machines),and have been the biggest maker of mainframes nearly all of that time.(The IBM name came in 1924 with an acquired company that made typewriters).
ReplyDeletePCs were a sideline for about 20 years from the 1980s.The guy overstated his case,whether or not it's on target.
I can't believe what I am reading. People arguing over grammar when it all started because of an episode of bar rescue. I agree with many of you this episode was a waste of everyone's time. When you have a dying bar and someone comes in and does what Jon did you don't act the way the owner of Gipsy acted. Whether the show made him “look bad" or not he knew that from the beginning. In my opinion it's not fair for other bar owners we really did need the rescue. And can we all keep in mind everyone is entitled to their opinion.
ReplyDeleteI don't get it where was anything homophobic said? Specific examples please.
ReplyDeleteWTF? You guys get off track way too easy. I thought road-rage was bad. Perhaps everyone should sit down, take a deep breath, and watch another episode of Bar a Rescue.
ReplyDeleteGuys, really? A man, John Taffer, and his awesome team try to help a undeserving drunk, idiot, self centered, rude, clueless how to handle people or money, person, Paul.I would have given anything to have John even do 1/4 of what he did for SBLV ,and the wonderful light community of Las Vegas. Paul is the one that destroyed a wonderful place that would have had money, people, a great reputation, even better than Gipsy.
ReplyDeleteThis just goes to tell you, you can take the drunk self-proclaimed old queen out of a broken down dive bar, but he can't handle being out classed in his own nightclub.He should have just walked away and sold it, there are plenty of people that would have loved to own THE SBLV , and would be rolling can s h by now.
Plaul is the type of gay person that has gotten the LGBT community labeled generically as queer or other names.
I for one am over 50, and have always gone above and beyond not to be labeled, I treat any and everyone with respect and treat them as I would like to be treated.
Also the petty carp talk about English, and not mentioning what this is truly about is pitiful. Grow up!!!!
The "Gay 'Ol Time" sign was totally stupid. The rest of the rehab looked fine, the service/tranny show changes were a good move, training the bar staff was good ... not sure what the goof ball owner had up his ass ... besides the obvious. But that owner did have one good point...
ReplyDeleteFrom the Las Vegas Weekly article: “In order to make Gipsy successful in today’s competitive market, it’s got to be something so special, unique and different that it will stand out.”
Taffer didn't do that. But the place was in enough of a state of decay that I'm sure the show wasn't going to foot the bill for what it really needed. 2 mil is about what it would need ... to START to do what needs to be done .... to bring it up to the point that the owner is referring to, as quoted above. What Taffer did.... the place could have gotten by, sans that dumb ass sign. Gay 'Ol Time? Get real.
Sorry, bernie, but not one time did I hear your name come up in that episode. lawlz!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you are working under the assumption that everyone has homosexual desires and that 'being straight' is simply a condition of ignoring one's urges. Internalised biphobia strikes again.
ReplyDeleteI'm bipolar, and bipolar runs in my family, and... Well, yeah, that looks like what happens when someone with bipolar stops taking their meds and starts taking hard drugs.
ReplyDeleteNo,I am working on the principle that homosexual activity is a priori inexcusable and no one's having homosexual desires can make any difference to that.
ReplyDeleteGood Lord! Will we ever reach the time when a person's sexual preferences are their own business? Anyone who feels they have a right to comment is badly mistaken.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who feels anything excuses same-sex sexual activity is badly mistaken.
ReplyDeleteSpelt is a type of grain,in the Triticum family.
ReplyDeleteHe spelled "spelled" as "spelt".
ReplyDeleteYour views are hateful and backward. The sex life of others is none of your concern. Period.
ReplyDeleteYour views are the hateful ones.Not all sexual predilections are equally worthy of public celebration,regardless of anyone's private actions.
ReplyDeleteWell, when God strikes all of the "wicked" gay people dead I'm sure we will all hear about it and you can celebrate.
ReplyDeleteSpelled vs. spelt
ReplyDeleteIn American English, spelt primarily refers to the hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe, and the verb spellmakes spelled in the past tense and as a past participle. In all other main varieties of English, spelt and spelledboth work as the past tense and past participle of spell, at least where spell means to form words letter by letter or (with out) to make clear. Outside the U.S., the two forms are interchangeable in these uses, and both are common.
I was going to say the same exact thing.
ReplyDeletei tink i uv reeding da coments more den da shoe itself
ReplyDeleteGlad this one failed. The whole 'hurray for the gay' thing was a huge turnoff.
ReplyDeleteI just saw the repeat tonight. I was in tears as well seeing the Gipsy sign come down but thought the new SBLV looked amazing! Too bad the owner took off and didn't embrace change. Times have changed and even Bally's has a gay night club now.
ReplyDeleteYou missed a few--person WHO, not THAT; let HIS staff, not HE'S; YOU'RE, not YOUR (twice).
ReplyDeleteI am glad that I was not alone in how appalling the word misuse was
ReplyDeleteGood for you Phil J!!!!
ReplyDeleteWonder if this place ever got finished.....
ReplyDeleteI just watchd this episode. I new to this show. I was shocked the owner closed after the relaunch went so well. Only a moron would work for this guy in the future as the 750's have moved on and gays have more than one choice. What a wasted opportunity.
ReplyDeleteGay bars just don't work if you are interested in making real profits. I know there are gay bars in San Francisco and some other cities that can squeeze out a profit but homosexuals make up 1-3% of the population, Many are older people who don't go to bars anymore, the 21-35 year old demo of homosexuals who like going to gay bars can be as low as a few 100 people in some markets. I doubt that this bar would have done very well if it had remained opened after the make over in a place with many entertainment venues in Las Vegas.
ReplyDeleteI'm curious: has anyone heard or read whether the alleged new club this guy was talking about has opened?
ReplyDeleteThe bar owner is a childish, self-centered, vulgar, ungrateful jerk who would rather be in debt, see his employees out of a job, and a beautiful establishment totally demolished just because he didn't get his childish way..which to begin with put him the horrible condition in which he was initially found by Bar Rescue. Anyone helping this ignorant jerk with financial investment, needs their head examined because with that jerk any investment is money down a rat hole.
ReplyDeleteThe owner was a Puke! He did waste Jon's time. Talk about a disgusting excuse for a Human Being. The Place looked 20 times better than that crap-hole it looked like. The idea was sound and a competent owner would have waited at least a year before throwing a hissy fit and storming off like a little brat.
ReplyDeleteI bet it's absolutely hideous when it reopens and it closes within a year. And the way Paul was sexually harassing and verbally abusing the employee's? They all have a good case of work place Harassment and they should sue Paul for creating a hostile work enviroment.
I did not like the owner Paul from the Jump street. He was mean and just plain nasty. If I was the owners of Bar Rescue, I would sue to get back all of my investment in the make over period.
ReplyDeleteFor what it's worth, I bet Spike new they were closing this place anyway and thought they could get good drama. The place was listed for sale in November 2012 and still on the market at least through January 2012 (http://www.housesforsalelist.com/property/109080) listed by Jerry Masini for $2.95 million.
ReplyDeleteJerry Masini is still listed as manager of the property on a Nevada Secretary of State search for Gipsy's business license info. They filed a new permit in March 2015 and a local attorney is listed as the registered agent (pretty typical). https://www.nvsilverflume.gov/businessSearch (you can search for Gipsy)
According to Google Maps and satellite view, the building is still there but it does not have a name on it like the other nearby buildings.
According to a search of the Clark County tax assessor records, the property is still owned by Gipsy, LLC.(http://www.clarkcountynv.gov/Depts/assessor/Pages/searchbylocationaddress.aspx) (Tip - you can search for 'Paradise' as the road name then find 4605)