Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bar Rescue - Pit and Barrel (BoondoxXx BBQ) Update

On tonight's episode of Bar Rescue, Jon Taffer and crew are headed to Nashville, Tennessee to rescue BoondoxXx BBQ.  BoondoxXx BBQ is a bar suffering from a dated concept that Jon will try to turn around.  During the Bar Rescue makeover, BoondoxXx BBQ was renamed to Pit and Barrel.

Let's take a look at some information, reviews, and updates of Pit and Barrel in Nashville since Bar Rescue came and made all of the changes to the bar.

  • The only review of Pit and Barrel after the Bar Rescue makeover was "The smoked wings are fall off the bone tender with the perfect amount of smoked flavor and the place has a real chill atmosphere.  They are new and probably experiencing growing pains but give em a chance, the food is great!  My wife and I will definitely go back."
  • The reviews before the makeover were average to above average and people seemed to like the food.
  • There was a negative review about the owner Chris Michaels because he towed someone's car from a parking lot of another property he owns (more on that below).

News and Links:
  • Here is the Pit and Barrel Facebook Page and Twitter Page.
  • The website for Pit and Barrel is just a menu, which only has 4 food items and a couple cocktails listed.
  • Last month, Pit and Barrel added a  new patio on the side of the building. (Link
  • Pit and Barrel is having a viewing party for their episode tonight and offering free BBQ. (Link)
  • The owner originally wanted the name Boondocks, but it was taken already, so he went with BoondoxXx, with the x's representing whiskey in the prohibition days. (Link)

  • The owner of Pit and Barrel, Chris Michaels, also has been trying to open another place called the Hot Rod Grille.  He has been promising that it is 'coming soon' for over a year on the Facebook Page of The Hot Rod Grille, but it has yet to open.


Despite the bar just opening in January of this year, it is already in need of help from Bar Rescue?  It seems like the owner may have tried to do too much at once with trying to renovate and open two restaurants at the same time.

This was definitely a case where a name change was needed for the bar as the spelling of BoondoxXx is pretty bad.  It is even annoying to type.

UPDATE 11/24/2013 - Most of the links above are now broken due to Pit and Barrel deactivating their Facebook page.  The owner of the bar shot and killed a man at the bar on Saturday, so who knows if tonight's episode will air.  Here is more information on the shooting incident.

UPDATE 11/25/2013 - Spike TV actually aired the encore episode of the Pit and Barrel episode.  More information with screenshots here.